
A pipeline to create reference databases for arbitrary markers and taxonomic groups from NCBI data

This project is maintained by molbiodiv

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Web interface

Web Access

The webinterface is available at: bcdatabaser.molecular.eco

Searching for exisiting datasets

You might find already created databases for your given research question. The search interface on the left hand side allows a quick scan for previous requests, alongside statistical information.


This is possible without logging in with an ORCID.

Creating new databases


The web interface requires authentification using an ORCID to associate your requests and final datasets with your account.


Most of the parameters are set to a default in the web-interface. If you need more flexibility, please check the command line version.

Fixed parameters:

Required parameters:

Optional parameters:

Request queue

Requests are handled in order of their submission, meaning that your job may start immediately or delayed. You can check the status at the bottom of the page


success the job was successfully finished, you can find the results on the right side added to previous results.

running this job is currently worked on

queue this job is waiting for other jobs to be completed before it is started

fail this job failed. It may be due to several reasons, connection issues or taxa were not found. Pleas check the Details page and feel free to open an issue in case you can not interpret the error.


You will find the download, DOI and citation information with your name as database author on Zenodo
